So I was really excited to try this as I have never used tofu expect in smoothies. Once I'd checked out the ingredient list the only thing I needed was the curry paste. My Mom had just bought some so she put it in a little tupperware container for me. As seen in my pic :)
I assembled all my ingredients and excitedly started cooking. Well little did I know I grabbed the wrong little container out of the fridge and I have no idea what I added to my sauce but it wasn't curry, honestly I'm wondering if it was ketchup! I know that seems ridiculous but I just grabbed the little container from where I thought I'd put it and dumped it in without really looking at it, my Mom had pre-measured it and the girls were hollering at my feet and well who knows what it was but we found the curry paste as we sat down to our meal so I know it wasn't what I put in! Unfortunatley my second problem was I took a tofu cooking tip from online and cooked it much longer then Stacy said thinking I'd like it crispier and the result was a little like rubbery scrambled eggs. All that said once we threw in some of the curry paste onto our plates it still tasted good!! I'm determined to try it again and to actually do the whole thing right and exactly like instructed!!!! Cheers to kitchen blunders!
Hahaha! That's really funny! It's such a yummy recipe that it's worth trying again. I'm glad you shared your story. That's great. The best part is that it was still edible!
Thanks for sharing Carrie - I love it! That is real life all right. I can totally picture the scenario. Give your girls a kiss for me.
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