I am so behind with this blog. It all started with the fact that I couldn't make ANY of the items on Serena's menu . . . apart from the drink. Although I can get most things here (reminder: I live on a small island in the Mediterranean), or a sort of substitute, sometimes it is just impossible to make certain things. Although I can get salmon, I couldn't get maple syrup which was the key to the salmon recipe. I haven't been able to get fresh rosemary at the moment (THAT is a weird one, because usually I can always count on that). I can't get fresh blueberries OR blackberries. Strawberries are now out of season, so they cannot be found either. BAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I thought it was kind of funny, actually, since I don't really have this problem often, but this one was a doozy!
So, today I went to a grocery store that I don't usually go to, and I FOUND MAPLE SYRUP!!! Woot Woot! (It cost me around $11 for the amount to make the recipe once, but who cares! ahahaha!) So, I am going to go to another grocery store this week to see if I can get the rosemary and I will at least make the salmon and the potatoes. I so excited!
One more thing: I haven't done the current recipe (which is "due" today). My husband comes home from abroad this week, so I wanted to wait until I had someone to enjoy it with me. So, I'll be doing Serena, Staci and Tisha's recipes in quick succession. I'll be bombarding you with my reviews sometime later this week.
Thank you for understanding, girls. I've been a naughty participant lately, but I enjoy being included. I am as enthusiastic about this blog as ever!
Soooo, Tisha . . . What's cookin', good lookin'? Can't wait to find out!
P.S. Attached you will see me, the food snob, CLEARLY enjoying a hot dog and a Budweiser--from a roadside van, no less (oh, the shame!). High quality grub. Hahaha.
Love the pic and I'm impressed by the $11 syrup purchase!
I can't believe you ate a HOT DOG!!! That is SOOOO unlike you!!!!
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