Introducing Creativity To The Alternative Diet: Many of us have segued from traditional dietary lifestyle to alternative dietary lifestyles, i.e. Gluten free, Vegan, Grain free, Real food, etc. What are we discovering?? These recipes are NOT mediocre!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let's Take a Break...

Hey Ladies!
I can't believe how fast this last round has gone by, in fact I wouldn't have realized it if the date hadn't caught my eye when I pulled up the page the other day.
I have been thinking about how involvement in the blog has sort of waned for a while and also about how busy summer-time is for all of us. I was thinking we should take a break until September... what do you think? My summer is FULL and I am guessing any amount of gourmet aspirations are on their way out and will return sometime in September. This also gives opportunity to catch up and try recipes that you may not have gotten to yet. So please let me know your thoughts and ideas about this!


Anonymous said...

ya. i was worried that I would have to drop out of the next round anyway. I think it's a good idea.

Eva said...

I am ok with it. My choice would be to keep going because I LOVE summertime cooking but I will enjoy it either way!

Cahill Clan said...

I have two thoughts, one being guilt for not posting as often, and the other bummed to miss out on new recipes. I find myself trying recipes but not within the 2 week period due to one reason or another.

My vote would be to maybe continue posting recipes, either assigned or randomly but not having the obligation to post on them. IF we get around to doing so awesome but if not no guilt! At least we would still have fun new recipes to try!

BTW do you all realize this has been going now for a year!?!?!?! WOWZERS! time flies!

Rachel said...

Staci, I had realized we are at the year mark! Amazing!

I totally think that random, non-obligatory posting of recipes is a great idea! I don't want to stop for the summer but just as Alyssa said I am so busy I thought it would be the right thing to drop out BUT I really don't want to. It's just that my summer looks like: moving in June, Europe for three weeks in July/Aug and Abigail starting preschool the end of August! Wow, I don't know how much 'cooking' I'll be doing!

Eva said...

That sounds good. No schedual but keep the blog "active"

carrie said...

I am one of those that is now behind I think 2 plus the recent recipe but I'm hoping to knock them all out these next two weeks. Our April into May has been crazy but slowly starting to stabalize. I was thinking of trying appetizers or desserts for a low key option this summer for one of my "posts".

Tisha said...

I also agree that not having a structured recipe posting this summer is good. I am behind too! I do think it would be fun to continue using the blog by informally posting recipes we happen upon this summer. I love checking the blog, and it would be nice to have some new material to look at here and there!

Serena said...

Good idea. I agree...i'm behind too, and things have been so crazy the reciepes i have done, i haven't been posting anything about them, i'm sorry. I love all the ones i've been able to do and would love to keep random postings for the summer. And resume come september. I love to hear everyones reciepes and ideas.
Have a great day girls!! Can't believe it's been a year, yeah! that's cool.