Introducing Creativity To The Alternative Diet: Many of us have segued from traditional dietary lifestyle to alternative dietary lifestyles, i.e. Gluten free, Vegan, Grain free, Real food, etc. What are we discovering?? These recipes are NOT mediocre!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chic Chefs Are Still Cooking!

It has been a long year since we have used our lovely blog - I hope you missed us!  Many families and individuals are moving in a different direction with their daily diet from what has been the American norm. Lately, my family has been on a grain free trial.  Our trial started with 4 days (kids had a long weekend) and at this point I think we have decided to extend.  The point of the 4 day trial was to see what it was like, if little people would still eat as well as they always have and try some new things.  It has been a HUGE success!  So onward we go...

Maybe you think like I used to- grain free, gluten free living would be sooo boring.  In the past week I have discovered many things, among them are that grain free living is delicious, satisfying and anything but boring.  I am looking forward to this journey with my fellow chic chefs and anyone else who is interested in alternative dietary living!

*You likely noticed the changes that have come to our blog, chief among them is that the recipe box has been condensed. I labeled in a hurry this morning; the labels are general. If I missed anything, please email me. :)

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