Eva and I made the stuffed pork tenderloin last night. She'll post the pictures.
It was delicious and beautiful. We found it difficult to make the hole through the tenderloin very big, so there wasn't much fruit in the pieces from the very middle. However, there was plenty of sauce and the meat had a lot of flavor, so the middle pieces were just as excellent as the end pieces. We did use more than the half cup of fruit, so the sauce ended up less like a saucy sauce and more like a saucy chutney. No complaints there--it was fabulous! We had a large tenderloin, and though we didn't fry it longer than the 6 minutes, we did keep it in the oven for about 20 minutes versus the ten that the recipe suggests. So, we agree with you about the extra fruit and the extra cooking time.
Any suggestions on the hole-making would be appreciated (we used a sharpening steel). Maybe it was just our particular piece of meat.
We laughed a lot about how weird it felt to stick your fingers way into the hole and trying to cram the fruit in . . . We're so immature, but it was fun to laugh!
1 comment:
I'm glad you ladies liked it! And the first time i made this i made it with a friend and we both laughed about it too! =)I found it hard myself to make the hole big enough but the last time i made it i used the steel first then used my fingures to make it bigger and i just keep pushing it in from both sides.
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