Introducing Creativity To The Alternative Diet: Many of us have segued from traditional dietary lifestyle to alternative dietary lifestyles, i.e. Gluten free, Vegan, Grain free, Real food, etc. What are we discovering?? These recipes are NOT mediocre!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Serena's Salmon

I know I'm behind, but life has been CRAZY! I finally got to make the salmon. I only did the salmon and potatoes as I didn't have time to whip up everything. The salmon was delicious and I thought it went with the potatoes really well. The only problem was that I got to salmon too dry and it was my fault. I forgot that our little apartment stove always needs to be turned lower than the recipe calls for and food needs to be cooked a little less time. (I haven't baked a lot this summer.) My kids gobbled it down though (Juan kept saying - Mmmm chicken.) and even though it was a little dry, we still really enjoyed it too. I thought I would share Noah's prayer before the meal: Jesus, thank you for this salmon that gave its life . . . well, it didn't really give its life, it was taken . . . but thanks for it anyway . . .
Thanks, Serena. I will try again - it was so easy and quick!


carrie said...

LOL at Noah's prayer!

Serena said...

LOL....oh your kids are great! I love Noahs prayer LOL and chicken. How fun