Introducing Creativity To The Alternative Diet: Many of us have segued from traditional dietary lifestyle to alternative dietary lifestyles, i.e. Gluten free, Vegan, Grain free, Real food, etc. What are we discovering?? These recipes are NOT mediocre!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh man.

Well, girls, I'm afraid I just can't keep up. I'm back in school, my jewelry business is steady, and I still have these three little kids that always seem to be needing something. :) I will definitely continue to make these recipes, but probably at a much slower pace than all of you and I probably won't be able to post recipes anymore. All this to say, you better kick me out of the club. Sorry. This has been a lot of fun, and like I said, I'll probably make stuff when I have time and will comment on it. Thanks!

1 comment:

Cahill Clan said...

Stacia, You will be missed!!! I am so glad we have had a chance to do this with you and look forward to seeing future comments but totally understand the craziness of life! I wish you all the luck and may catch you on facebook! Sorry to see you go, staci